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Donald Trump

Drill Baby Drill Stock List


Winning & Losing Stocks On a Donald J. Trump 2024 Presidential Election Victory


  • Populist Momentum: Trump has a loyal base that made it impossible for any his opponents to challenge him seriously in the Republican nomination process. He can turn out voters that typically don’t vote and has eluded pollsters proclaiming his death before.

  • Economic Focus: Donald Trump is aimed at deregulation of old-economy, more cyclical companies. In particular, he is focused on energy de-regulation and revitalizing American manufacturing. Trump maintains a lead with US voters on economic issues.

  • Foreign Policy Dominance: Trump’s foreign policy could be characterized as acerbic and transactional. He has little respect for existing international organizations like NATO which makes America’s European allies very nervous.

  • Immigration and Border Security: Donald Trump is using promises of mass deportations and other strict border policies as cornerstone of his campaign. Trump will potentially mobilize Federal law enforcement and the military at the border to a degree never seen.


  • Polarization: Trump is the most hated President in modern history and his return may prompt widespread opposition throughout the country. A second Trump presidency will likely be marked by acrimony, legislative intransigence, and civil unrest.

  • Legal Challenges: Donald Trump is still facing a lot of legal jeopardy, and some of it may still plague him and the Office of the Presidency if he is elected. While becoming President will certainly help his legal issues, it won’t make them completely go away.

  • Uncertainty Around American Security Guarantees: Donald Trump has made some disturbing statements from the statements of our allies in places like Ukraine and Taiwan. He sometimes says allies should ‘pay’ for US defense arrangements and leaves uncertainty around what would happen if our allies were attacked in Europe of Asia.

  • Economic Uncertainty: Trump embraces several radical economic policies that have a potential to backfire in a big way. Two that come to mind would be raising tariffs to high levels which could crimp international trade or threatening Federal Reserve independence, which could crimp Uncle Sam’s ability to rein in inflation and maintain a healthy labor market.

  • Civil Unrest: Trump’s previous Presidency was marked by the most severe levels of civil unrest in the United States since the 1960s. The former President’s aggressive style and declared intent to use Federal Law enforcement and the military on protesters could cause dramatic instability in the world’s most important country.

Trump Potential Policy Outcomes

Trump’s proposed policies have some positives for the stock market, namely lower corporate and capital gains tax rates.

Some of his proposals like dollar devaluation, threatening Fed independence, and mass deportations could cause market chaos and domestic instability. Of course, as with any Presidential administration, much will depend on the makeup of the legislature in terms of defining what is possible.

Trump’s last term was marked by a bad recession caused by COVID, but his efforts to deregulate certain industries and to conduct robust trade policy do have potential to positively surprise markets. They also both could be badly implemented.

America is already producing more oil than at any time ever and is producing more oil than any other country in the world. One of the key pillars of current Republican policy priorities is to deregulate the Energy industry and make it easier to drill with permitting reform. Given the current strength of American Energy sector production, we decided to call this list Drill, Baby, Drill. A second Trump term would likely be marked by increased oil and natural gas production and a rolling back of certain green regulatory infrastructure.

Potential Winning Stocks

10 Stocks That Would Be Potential Winners in a Trump Presidency.

Potential Winner




Despite the US producing more oil than at any time in it history, Trump has made a keystone of his campaign unbridling the US energy industry by de-regulating it and making it easier to obtain drilling permits. As the largest US Energy provider, Exxon would be well equipped to take advantage of this environment to the benefit of its shareholders.

Potential Winner
Palantir Technologies

Palantir Technologies



Palantir is a defense and counter-terrorism firm focusing on using technological solutions to solve security problems. Apart from potentially being the beneficiary of any contracts to do with mass deportation, Palantir is closely related to JD Vance's former career mentor, Peter Thiel.

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10 Winning & 5 Losing Stocks

Stock List Updates

  • September 1, 2024

    Initial publication of Drill Baby Drill Stock List.


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