Performance After Rate Cuts, and Election-Year Q4 Seasonality

Performance After Rate Cuts, and Election-Year Q4 Seasonality

This weeks material covers:

  • Trend and risk monitoring

  • Market behavior after rate policy regime changes

    • Market perspective

    • Performance: Diversified portfolio vs Max Sharpe portfolio

    • Key takeaway: market outcome is more varied during a rate cutting cycle

  • Closer look at election year seasonality and weekly performance

  • Individual charts for the S&P, gold, BTC, NVDA, AVGO, COST, MCD, TSN

Macroeconomic Updates

Two weeks ago the Fed held its presser from Jackson Hole and confirmed that we’ll start to see rate cuts. In March I mentioned that it seemed like we had just seen the first joke in a FOMC press conference in a very long time. There were three or four jokes in the Jackson Hole read out. A stark contrast from 2022 when Powell stoically jawboned markets into a 3 month drawdown.

The economic calendar at Forex Factory is my favorite. Very simple view of the key information, with quick access to charts, and links to sources. Key measures largely came in in-line with forecast. Most notably, PCE is the Feds preferred measure of inflation.

PMI, housing starts, building permits, and employment figures are of interest next week.

I personally enjoy economics, but in the context of investing and trading all I care about is whether the economic conditions support continued optimism and uptrend. Employment has given us some warnings, but I am operating with the opinion that economic conditions continues to align to favorable market outlook.

7ac1768f 7afe 4c59 9c7a B20e7dd21e90 1792x1084

Market Outlook


We remain in a strong primary uptrend. There are some headwinds that we’ll cover, but we can’t lose sight of the strength of this uptrend. My goal is to participate in uptrends until I see a confirmed reversal.


18edb811 2901 49ab 93c2 Bd49abbab06e 2357x1333


F0a0fc98 2a75 4b83 85d4 A78fc0434841 2357x1333


0550a3e5 40e6 4d83 930c B97aa0ddd6cd 2357x1333

Trends are currently strongest across the board in gold, with equities as a close second. Bond prices have really cooled off, with the long term trend remaining strong. Commodities are showing the first sign of life in a while.

The 9 period up-down oscillator is neutral while the composite breadth score is at its maximum level.

05b95dbd 06da 4796 B713 Bc47f300f237 2357x1332

Risk Monitoring

We’ve seen excellent progress toward recovering from the recent 5% drawdown alerts. I consider retaking the 21-VWMA and an upward sloping 5-SMA and 21-VWMA as strongest signs that we are clearing an alert.

The Dow cleared its alert when it went on to make a new high. The S&P has recovered its upward 5-SMA and 21-VWMA. The Nasdaq continues to show weakness.

21494c52 1dbf 4b1b Ac4c 83feb7f52605 2357x1343

The Fear and Greed Index is coming off of a high. This aligns to having seen a local low.

1a2ed76d 830d 4ea5 Bd1a 34edc81e3b1d 2357x1333

Sector Rotation

Finviv is a great resource to quickly see sector rotation. Industrials and utilities moving up together while tech and consumer staples move down together is an interestingly mixed message. Combined with financials holding strength for the past 3 months, this suggests that participants are shifting to optimism about steady growth coming from other areas.

8a6f6904 8476 415e 944d C1d890f8bd85 1502x1242


VIX Keltner channel has rolled over, extending its 100% track record of confirming the local low in the S&P. Not returning to the regression channel is unfavorable.

1fe6f0d5 C41a 4159 Af5e 57dfabb32137 2357x1337

The VIX contango slope indicator and its moving average difference have returned to a bullish state for the S&P.

Becdbfea 53f6 4894 A467 Aeee83758598 2357x1332

VIX seasonality caught my interest.

August, September, and October are stronger seasonal months for the VIX, which is expected since these are the more challenging seasonal months for the S&P.

49828d3e 0333 435c Aa1d 30a953ffd8da 2357x1333

I just finished two new versions of the seasonality chart. The first looks at things by year of the presidential cycle, and the second looks at seasonality by week of year.

October of an election year is the highest performing month for the VIX, finishing higher 88% of the time, with an average increase of 22%. If trends begin to align to seasonality, there could be a great brief play to long VIX into October and follow it up with a short.

Chris Robb is a great account to follow for strategies on VIX options.

92db2fc2 182b 4d28 B647 Fa96faec15c8 2357x1383

Week 39 of the year (beginning of October) has historically ended higher the greatest percentage of the time of any week of the year, averaging 2% higher.

Da2e0e5c Fd9f 4c2a A77a F149f2f666db 2357x1384


There have been 3 notable central bank quantitative easing events. The low in central bank liquidity has been telegraphed 144 weeks from the conclusion of the first easing action. Liquidity levels are above the June 2024 low for the year, but in a wave structure that suggests a move lower.

Ce767d61 Aa03 402d Bc4d Fe850b649704 2357x1384

The impact of central bank liquidity on inflation and risk assets isn’t straight forward, and some effects lead versus lag on charts depending on whether liquidity changes are announced ahead of time. If liquidity changes will influence investor sentiment we can expect to see that change appear in the most speculative assets first.

This chart compares BTC price and the market cap of altcoins (excluding BTC and ETH) to global net liquidity. Liquidity had steadily increased from 09/2023 to the start of the year. Crypto appears to peak 3 months after liquidity rolled over. If the relationship is somewhat consistent and June was the low for 2024, we could expect a low in crypto within the next few weeks. Equities are likely to follow with a move in the same direction.

C5403cc4 3339 4e4e A1c2 F1605a862828 2357x1384

High Yield Rate Spread

Recovery for equities is supported by the reversal in trend for high yield rate spread.

C08019f5 5bae 4b06 Beea 8f283dcd8663 2357x1383


Last on my list of market health and outlook is seasonality. Overall conditions support an uptrend, but we are entering one of the weakest seasonal periods of the year. The S&P tends to do well the first few days of September. That’s when we start to see some financial media suggest that September might not be an issue. The final quarterly corporate tax payment is in mid September and a seasonal drawdown occurs in close proximity.

The effect seems increasingly pronounced in recent years.

F769aff5 2e7a 468f B854 1ea61331230e 2357x1383

Looking at seasonality by presidential cycle has shown October to be weaker than September. This is less pronounced during elections with an incumbent running.

F00dcb12 619e 4587 9432 0884dec8b0d3 2357x1383

From a weekly perspective, the last week of September has the strongest record for ending lower and is tied for worst drawdown, ending an average -0.7% lower.

14921d99 C005 4c60 Bdba 36c12dba1074 2357x1384

While I don’t want to front run seasonality, the history here is very strong and I will patiently look for opportunities in September and October.

What about rate cuts?

It’s been over a year since our last rate increase. I see comments all over about what will do well and what won’t after a rate cut. The financial media suggests that they’ll be beneficial. There are a few bears screaming that bearish things. What does history tell us?

Charlie Bilello posted this a few weeks ago. Note that the difference in performance after the first cut varies when that cut comes during a recession. Those times also saw the larger 50bps cut.

7e0f819d Eed6 47c6 94be B7b460aba319 684x215

Visualizing with the chart below we see that there is brief volatility when the rate policy stance changes. Sustained and steeper returns most commonly begin within a few months of a hiking or cutting cycle ending. Market outcomes during rate cutting cycles vary the most. This is probably the biggest takeaway as we consider risk exposure and sensitivity to technical warnings.

  • Hiking start (light red) end (red)

  • Cutting start (light green) end (green)

  • Recessions (blue)

0efbd8b7 41c7 4fcf 97fa D21436838de0 2453x1241

Here are a population of large companies in each sector and how they fared after the first rate cut in the last 6 cycles. The first chart shows the 1, 3, and 6 month performance. The second shows 12, 18, and 24 months.

The bottom row is the combines performance relative to the S&P. The two numbers on the lower right of each chart are the average performance when the cut comes at the beginning of a recession versus non-recession.

This history suggests that an area of value occurs within 1-3 months of the first cut. It also suggests that safety and income sectors like utilities, REITs, and energy did not fare as well.

This population for this analysis is very small and has high probability of being skewed by company specific performance. I wanted to start with an observation of sector diversified portfolios with companies that spanned the last six monetary policy regimes. The next iteration of this research will use larger populations by sector. This will also be imperfect as the number of publicly listed companies spanning all regimes is small for some sectors (which could also be insightful).

B4c17912 Bfac 4185 A177 F6f017df4c80 2071x397
2b1b155a 0cc1 4083 A0d8 De2ec88df741 2014x399

Here is a look at how my top holdings have fared after the first cut. The relative strength is weighted by portfolio allocation. This has me proactively taking profits on my COP and MPC positions and looking to close my short term XOM position. I recently exited OXY.

7cf959f6 B6f0 49f2 95de E2abef46bb52 2243x430
8f09120c 335a 49e9 95d3 F12fa4181d7b 2241x432

Feel free to message me if you’d like to see a version with your portfolio.


Earnings calendar from Earnings Whispers. The most important on my radar is AVGO.

894062ff 3a85 46db Aa66 B104aa589cb1 1920x1080

Individual charts and opportunities


Bond prices should increase as rates come down. Since the bond market prices in future rate expectations, we are more likely to correct further before continuation. A move below 95-96 will signal broader risk.

6e852339 Ec8b 4608 9706 9f41f96c0168 2190x1241


The background color of the middle indicator signals when we have a bullish RSI signal. The settings are specific to my process for each asset that I track. For the S&P this is generally signaled when the RSI is above 60 and lasts until it falls below 40.

Af0af0d1 0e63 4ad9 8ea1 26dfcee2f15c 2452x1241

Connie Browns composite index is overlayed. It is the 9 period momentum of RSI + the 3 period moving average of RSI. It has a 13 period and 33 period moving average with it. This indicator reached an extreme on 8/16. It has only been this high on 5 other occasions in the last 20 years.

Taking a measure of and arbitrary 6 months from each, all saw higher returns. Some were steady climbs and some had significant volatility and correction along the way.

  • 2004: +1.5%, corrections prior to continuation.

  • 2009: +19.8%, correction after followed by continuation.

  • 2014: +6.5%, major correction prior to continuation.

  • 2016: +9.8%, immediate and steady uptrend.

  • 2023: +19.6%, immediate and steep uptrend.


595f1144 D073 45bc Bf76 889f33f99da6 2452x1241


353afdd3 A5ed 4a60 Ac73 F8eecfcab06d 2452x1241


50e8952b A533 4476 B6c9 F63952dd60c3 2452x1241


Afe6a009 32db 4feb 915b Edf062b58f09 2452x1241


3992c7f4 5378 4d9e Aa7d 390553d012b3 2452x1241


After failing to break higher in August, oil has been trapped between the green AVWAP from the covid low and the yellow 200SMA.

B4daaad6 D68c 4f27 Abc1 4311a5328734 2453x1241

Gold has continued higher, suggesting that oil will continue to struggle. In combination with

Dfe230f5 7d89 4040 A66c D273ce2a1533 2453x1241

A look at more energy companies 3, 6, 12 months after the first rate cut. This also has me reducing my seasonal play on MPC.

6b798805 Bfc4 4785 9c30 5f98755ef429 2237x428


I think that gold has room to run in the long-term, but it has just hit my forecast and seems to have stalled a bit. I’m locking in profit and selling 1/3 of my position.

5b478d2a 63e3 4368 Ba11 34fd56caea4d 2565x1241

This structure in the composite index warns of consolidation or a move lower.

Fe4a36e4 A086 4eb5 A1af E4d9c439fa30 2565x1240


BTC has been in a lengthy consolidation, faking us out in between the green AVWAP that traces back to the beginning of the recovery in 2023 and the red from all time high. If we see a little bump over the holiday weekend or in the early days of September, I will fade it for opportunities later in the month.

My price targets for accumulation haven’t changed.

3ca4d7a2 B206 4282 B7c5 F07b647e97c6 2302x1234

Weekly chart with a Bollinger band and two stochastics with different lengths confirm what we see on the daily.

D643f48e 38a2 49e0 8ab8 Cdc5d4393e62 2564x1234

A weekly chart with the system that uses the KST (fancy rate of change) and Chaikin oscillator (combining volume and money flow) has 100% success rate BTC over the past 4-5 years and is still in bullish territory.

Note that I only consider systems with 100% success rate in the context of long-term position management. I generally do not prefer these for short-term opportunities because they have lower reward to risk ratios.

09fcaf30 55c8 4759 B3c8 6315fb0b51ef 2357x1383

September is the worst performing month for BTC, suggesting that it is also the best month to buy.

Ddd4759c Fea1 4d4a A013 B59cc2bcbcc3 858x406

From a weekly perspective, we are entering the week of the year with the worst average performance, closing negative 64% of the time with an average performance of -4.3%.

E6116334 9105 4984 B2d8 9df70cfac52d 2302x1235


Great earnings, but the market seems to have wanted more. Trend began accelerating on 1/8. Anchoring a green VWAP shows that sentiment from that point has been tested twice. We’ve just tested the red AVWAPs from the 7/11 move down and the 8/5 low.

B33b744d 5b4c 4147 A01a 68b55999fd2d 2565x1234

The composite index and total return indicators suggest that a sideways consolidation is the best near term possibility, with a move lower as a worst case.

7f5104d9 Ba4f 4ef4 A0da 7ce9aa66eb25 2565x1234


AVGO has a strong earnings track record. The trend looks very similar, but we’ve had a more constructive response from the test of the AVWAPs from 7/11 and 8/5. The total return has also remained positive.

0ec9a6d1 5a33 431a A52f A854e3e530c2 2565x1234


COST is part of my seasonal playbook, due to its near perfect performance in the month of November.

5cfa67f4 1e30 4a36 Add3 1ebba1c8ad65 2302x1234

It doesn’t tend to pull back as much in September. Taking a closer look at presidential cycle seasonality, it does well in September and has a less impressive November during election years.

0cd5f326 278d 4871 A1ea 48381f5d46bf 2302x1234

The composite index suggests that we might see an opportunity to add in the next couple of weeks. Possibly in the 845-865 area.

F83280de C60d 43e7 B175 10fe9dd98829 2565x1234

The KST and Chaikin oscillator system has 100% success rate with COST over the past 4-5 years and is still in bullish territory.

36638f30 7dbe 4494 Abbc 6fd4a8566f93 2357x1383


This is not a company that I plan to hold long-term. It’s completed a lengthy basing patter with a number of fake outs. It’s just recovered its AVWAP from the 2022 high. We have a case for a couple of inverted head and shoulders reversal patterns.

Fc4dc760 5aeb 4a8f A1c9 61570cbfc2be 2565x1234

It’s shown great momentum as it’s exited its base. The overhead targets align to measured ranges from the inverted head and shoulders patterns and Fibonacci confluence areas.

29d0c223 5171 44e1 9308 94b1bf5c1c35 2565x1234

It’s had a history of strong performance toward the end of election years.

D9c49d4a 57c2 4a7d 85ac 6460ef7666af 2302x1234


MCD has quietly done very well after falling out of favor.

2fb8e6a9 611b 4a5d Bf87 9696664b50ab 2565x1234

Stochastic moving below 75 and returning to the upper limit is a sign of strength. The Coppock Curve suggests that the uptrend has sustained momentum.

E82eabf9 375f 404a Ac76 B550db2b7175 2565x1234

MCD doesn’t seem to be hit as hard by September and October seasonality.

A46517a2 440a 429f 92d1 801174b48ffd 2302x1234
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